Everyone has seen a diaper cake before. They are simple to make and look like you spent a lot more money than you actually did. And everyone at the shower ooohhhs and aaahhhs over it. Plus it's full of useful items that the new parents need for the baby, or in this case babies. But what about the parents? So how about instead of including the shampoo or baby lotion in the middle, why not include a bottle of champagne?
The supplies I used:
Bottle of Champagne
2 packs of 6 white cloth diapers (yes, 4 are pictured. I wasn't sure how many I would need)
1 pack of 6 print cloth diapers
1 pack of diaper pins
Some toys to attach
Butt Paste (a family joke, but how can you not buy something named Butt Paste)
1/2 yard of fabric cut into 1 & 1/2" strips and rolled into rosettes
Packing tape to hold the rolled diapers together
Ribbon for the sides and to tie the package up
Cellophane wrap
Sorry the pictures of the final product aren't great as I forgot to take pictures until the cake was wrapped up.